7×24 Exchange’s goal is to improve end-to-end reliability by promoting dialog among those who design, build, operate and maintain mission critical enterprises and informational infrastructures.
You can be certain 7×24 Exchange will keep your company informed about the many new developments taking place in the rapidly changing world of mission critical infrastructures. Membership will allow you and your fellow employees to learn new ideas, attend informative workshops, hear challenging speakers and make meaningful contacts.
» National Conference Discount – Members enjoy a discounted conference rate. Membership is by company so any employee of a member company can enjoy the member rate.
» 7×24 TV – Members receive unlimited access to all recorded conference video footage.
» 7×24 Magazine Digital Subscription – Members receive biannual issues of 7×24 Exchange’s industry journal providing solutions to cutting edge issues facing data center professionals.
» Info Exchange – Members enjoy a monthly e-newsletter with what’s going on in and around the 7×24 Exchange community. From national news to chapter activities to WiMCO happenings and Industry Headlines, Info Exchange is the goto source for everything 7×24 Exchange!
» Career Center – Members have access to an online interactive Career Center which provides job seekers and employers the tools necessary to maximize their employment search and placement needs.
» Knowledge Base – Members enjoy access to mission critical industry-specific white papers, case studies and videos posted by peers in the industry.
Please contact us at 646-486-3818 if you have any questions or require additional information. We look forward to welcoming you and your company as a member of 7×24 Exchange International.
Membership is by company only. To find out if your company is already a member, please contact 7×24 at (646) 486-3818. |
7×24 Exchange International offers seven types of membership as noted below: Membership is by company only. To find out if your company is already a member, please contact 7×24 at (646) 486-3818. |
*Membership fee includes unlimited members from the same organization.
*Individuals working for a Vendor or Consulting company can be classified as End Users depending upon the individual’s primary responsibilities for conference purposes only.